Ansible-Playbook → Dynamically loads variable file same as os_name!!
Ansible Playbook will dynamically load the variable file named the same as OS_name and just by using the variable names we can Configure our target node.
(Note: No need to use when keyword here.)
The playbook should dynamically load the variable file named the same as os_name-> so we launched two instances one is RedHat and other is ubuntu.
Update their ip’s in the inventory file of ansible.
Two variable files with the same as os_name:
AnsibleConfig file:
Give chmod 400 permission to the private key of instances
Playbook for configuring web server with the help of these variable files
Run the playbook:
Now let's check the final output:- From RedHat instance, the webpage should be “This os is Redhat” and from ubuntu — “This os is ubuntu”!