2 min readMar 14, 2021

Kubernetes is also known as K8s, is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Kubernetes is a program or tool which keeps on monitoring the containers, if any container goes down, behind the scenes it launches another container with the same data.

In docker, we have a tool docker swarm that works the same as Kubernetes but docker swarm is only applicable to docker, but Kubernetes is for all containers {podman, cri-o, docker}.


Problem faced!

In recent years, the Adidas team was happy with its software choices from a technology perspective — but accessing all of the tools was a problem. For instance, “just to get a developer VM, you had to send a request form, give the purpose, give the title of the project, who’s responsible, give the internal cost center a call so that they can do recharges,” says Daniel Eichten, Senior Director of Platform Engineering. “The best case is you got your machine in half an hour. Worst case is half a week or sometimes even a week.”


To improve the process, “we started from the developer point of view,” and looked for ways to shorten the time it took to get a project up and running and into the adidas infrastructure, says Senior Director of Platform Engineering Fernando Cornago. They found the solution with containerization, agile development, continuous delivery, and a cloud-native platform that includes Kubernetes and Prometheus.

Just six months after the project began, 100% of the Adidas e-commerce site was running on Kubernetes. Load time for the e-commerce site was reduced by half. Releases went from every 4–6 weeks to 3–4 times a day. With 4,000 pods, 200 nodes, and 80,000 builds per month, adidas is now running 40% of its most critical, impactful systems on its cloud native platform.


